الجمعة، 20 يناير 2012

How to become a greatest natio

How  the  U  S A to  be  greatest  nation?!!

((  If you keep on believing, we’ll finish what we started in 2008.  Change will come.  If you fight with me and press on with me, I promise you change will come.  And we will remind everybody just why it is that the United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth.
Thank you.  God bless you.  God bless the United States of America. 

the Previous  was  the  last  part  of  the  speech from the  

((  Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event))

 on January 19, 2012 | 11:41 pm 
O.K  you  are  doing  good  president  Obama .  but  you  need    listen  to  what  Am going  to  say : -
You  said  ((   we will remind everybody just why it is that the United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth.))
 Mr  president  And  all  of  you   American people .
United States of America will never  never  be  the greatest nation .whereas all American presidents salves  for Jews.
And all your politicians are  salves & tail In the back of the Jews.
To  be  great  nation  you  must  be free nation
You  &  your  people need  only  one thing   to make  great  revolution
 For freedom of  your political decisions and to stop selling  your self  for money  to  the Jews  that is  the  big  change you  need  to remind us   
((why it is that the United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth.))

الأربعاء، 18 يناير 2012

the Great messages

 the Great messages 

You have seen > what the   Mujahideen did it To defend for  Islam & You have seen what  !  the  Youth of The Arab nation did?! and how they  Led the change in the Arab world ?!
they  are  ready   to  die for   freedom & respect & You have seen !  what  the Young man Al Pozzi did  In Tunisia & the Youth Liberation in Egypt& Yemen, Syria and others In order to Change   the Corrupt  Systems That move  by remote  Control from America  which Is move by  remote In the hands of Jews and pampered Israel
And certainly, Nowadays You have heard About  the Pirates of the Internet the  young people from  Saudi Arabia who they Attempt  to break through the ministries of sovereignty in Israel
It is also certain  that  You read this blog
All that were Strong messages to you politicians in America >. Mean  we  are  Arabs and Muslims  Deserve  To respect  from  you  and do justice with us

I hope you  get  our  messages

الخميس، 12 يناير 2012

The political equation of the Arab relations and U.S

The political equation of the Arab relations and U.S
The subordination of the politicians in America  to the Jews, and their attention to the interests of the Jewish state and to link the religious interests, Judaism and Christianity, causing loss and damage the interests of American citizens and lead to the end of the American Empire.
And the American people is the victim, and the only beneficiaries are the Jews and the Jewish state .. the  people of the  America   must  change this situation

The equation of political calculation in America's relationship with Israel and the Arab and Muslim world: -
 The leaders of the Arab world  surrendered to the Government of America،  
they  did  that   to prove   to America that they are friends and civilized . without  think in the interests of the peoples  whom they  rule .. That  what  led them  to  thier  end  . Arab spring was play  that    role, and  the  America surrenders  to the Jews will lead her  to  the same way ...The question which has posed  by the Arab peoples is how that  our rulers they can obey and succumb to a country like America does not have full sovereignty in decisions that concern  to American   people?!
To obey , and try and seek to please the slave This means you are more bondage or you like  a dead
 the Solution we  must , Arabs and Muslims  to  make unity between  us  and to  seriously consider the interests of our peoples and    the great decisions 

الخميس، 5 يناير 2012

freedom for the American political decision

freedom for the decision of the American political

We want the people of America to  make a great  revolution, such as the Arab spring,
Revolution against the Jews who  Control   of     America and its people and their leaders

Because the people of America deserve to be a free people they  could prevent the Jews control  of 
America's political decisions,

freedom for the American political decision

freedom for the decision of the American political

We want the people of America to  make a greet  revolution, such as the Arab spring,
Revolution against the Jews who Astron on America and its people and their leaders

Because the people of America deserve to be a free people they  could prevent the Jews control  of 
America's political decisions,

الاثنين، 2 يناير 2012

Islam is the religion of beauty

Islam is the religion of beauty
Islam is the religion of beauty and God is beautiful and loves beauty, Islam is a religion to enjoy life,   when you sleep    This means  that you  are   in worship God __    Beauty is the meaning of the word containing the beauty of creation, attributes, words, and deeds, and the beauty of what you say inside your chest
And the beauty of the soul and the beauty of hygiene etc.
  This is our Islam