الخميس، 24 يناير 2013

Mrs. Clinton said that the Arabs spring had
brought new leaders have no experience..
. She want to say new leader do not provide absolute obedience and loyalty to

الأربعاء، 16 يناير 2013

the Stupidest country

the  Stupidest country
Hello Mr president Obama
a long time since my last message to you and to the the White House
I thought that you lifted your hand from my Sudan. But   that  is  wrong becouse  you  still Cause anxiety and stress   to my homeland .
I heard that the American Embassy in Kampala .Support the New Dawn document which signed by the Sudanese opposition .
Is the same meaning If Sudan government support Al-Qaeda to fight America
Which means that Sudan is an enemy of America  and .All the Arab and Muslim world and the West will realize that Sudan is an enemy of America .
So     then  Now  .All the Arab and Muslim world    realize that America  is an enemy of Sudan and  to  Muslim world.
Which means that the politicians in the White House are still in stupidity and ignorance in the way they deal with the Arab and Muslim world.
And   they  still slaves of the Jews  they  do not think in the interest of America's attic or the interest of the great American people ..
What I mean is to increase the hostility   from  the Arab and Muslim peoples  to  the United States of America and all that is American .
Which confirms that America is the  Stupidest country in the world and is not the greatest country Because the great state is working on the development of friends, not enemies
So my advice for the millionth time   to  the  the politicians in the White House   lift your hand from  Sudan.
you must do that for  American  people and for  the Peace in the 