الثلاثاء، 31 يوليو 2012

Terrorism in the eyes of America

Terrorism in the eyes of America
Kept the United States on Sudan in the list of state sponsors of terrorism, despite its
recognition of the cooperation of Khartoum in a fight against terrorism, according to the annual report of the State Department, which was released on Tuesday, the list also included Syria, Iran and Cuba.
The United States acknowledged that Sudan, which appears in the list since 1993, cooperation in the last year in a fight against terrorism, but the continued appearance comes, as it represents "a base for logistics" and "transit point" for terrorists who go to Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the report.
This is what came in ((the overall Sudanese our home network))
, According to the annual report of the State Department,
I want to correct the report   according  to  the hidden American view
The United States acknowledged that Sudan, which appears in the list since 1993, cooperation in the last year in a fight against terrorism, but the continued appearance comes, as  State sponsor of terrorism
Because of the Government of Sudan,  Islamic government hostile to Israel
And   that government does not want to make the loyalty of absolute obedience to the White House And this causes of  the inability of the Jewish lobby ((AIPAC))  the  control   to  the Government of Sudan>>
This in turn makes the security of Israel is in danger
And for all the previous reasons, we must continue to put  Sudan in the list of state sponsors of terrorism
We, the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nations, we know very well who is the terrorist and who are the real enemies

 the   truth 

الاثنين، 9 يوليو 2012

Poison serpent

Poison serpent

Who gave Balfour Promise?!

Who that caused the pain in the Middle East?!! 

The British Government is encouraged to burn the Sudanese 

Britain  continues the hatred of the nation of Islam

If Israel is, the Poisonous substance

and America Is the  head of Serpent

        Britain is the Serpent it  self

the Jews who are feed the Serpent 

Must be instability in the Middle East
Even don't declare bankruptcy arms companies

Gulf must be deluding the seriousness of Iran Even
   to think  that   It   need  to buy weapons

    the leaders  in the Middle East  Must remain  without personal  
Serpent  Must control  the situation in the Middle East

All this in order to gain funds

But me  and millions  others  like me  we   will    going  to   change that, God willing,

الاثنين، 2 يوليو 2012

the main cause of revolutions of Arab spring

the main cause of revolutions of  Arab spring

There is an Arab spring known. ...Spring to drop the injustice and aggression
And improving living conditions
Unity and cooperation among the countries in the region
And stop  subordination to the West or  to  the leader of the world ..Mama America
And the last reason is the main cause of revolutions of  Arab spring .
Mama America and the  West confirmed that they support this great Arab spring>>
But the fact that Mama America   and  the  West  both  help and supports the   change in countries   which her  Governments   are refuse to Pledge  the Loyal and obedient to her,,,, and refuse to change  the Governments   which  are agree to  loyal and obedient to them >.
Think about what happened in Egypt
An early end to the revolution in Libya
The settlement regime of President Abdullah Saleh
In a bid to end the rule of Bashar
And dream of regime change in Khartoum
I am not interested to be poor economic conditions are the cause of regime change .It's instantaneous and material cause   conditions will change with days>>
In the past we link the abdomen due to hunger, though it did not impose in love homelands or issue the nation ... This can be documented to speak a whole generation
I'm not against Mama America or West but against policy and double standards that take in use and dealing in the region, and we the peoples of the Middle East is not stupid
We the peoples of the region, understand
What is going on?!
And who is the owner of an interest in who's going?!
Above all, we know that well ...How   to  stop this  to  happen
I want you know well >>
my pen   will never Surrender  or stop for  telling the  truth
change is coming   Inevitably,

OH  by  the way   
I forgot to tell my friends in the White House, the revolution in Sudan would not succeed because they revolt against Arab spring mood
Trust  me