Signs of change to the best
Message to U.S. President Obama and the politicians in the White House
wonderful your Message to Iranian people> I think you begin to learn the lesson that
benefited from rival President Obama, who said that economic sanctions harmful to people,
not governments, that's what I In this article
((economic sanctions on Sudan
Must lift economic sanctions on Sudan
We need spare parts for aircraft
we need Drugs for the treatment of needy patients
need equipment for agriculture and industry > we in need to do business with the world
To make up the shortfall that occurred because of the separation of the south
These sanctions hurt the Sudanese people and not the government
You should lift economic sanctions this
the Government of Sudan has carried out all the terms of a peace agreement with the government of south
Why retain the punishment for what?!?
Does freedom means injustice and lack of respect for others and kill people because of the sins of the rulers the Name of god & freedom & the people of Sudanese women and children, men and young people ask the U.S. government to lift the economic sanctions on Sudan
you must do that for us))
But you did not respect, my view
Now I give you historical advice
There are signs of war between the Government of Sudan and the Government of Southern Sudan, and you ((politicians)), unfortunately, helped to signs of this war, because the White House was, and still biased to the State of South
If the politicians in the White House are smart and understand the subject of Sudan they will accurately be dealt fairly with the two country
But ignorance has made you bias of the State of South Sudan at the expense of the State of Sudan with a long history of Islamic civilisation of the Arab and African
My advice to you > you should deal with the two countries with impartiality and justice and equality do that best for America and the American people
Because the United States to provide support to the Government of Southern Sudan, and this leads to gain increased hostility of the peoples of the region of the United States
And I hope that U S to advice ((of the State of South Sudan)) that come down from the tower ivory and to tell her that the war is not in the interest of both peoples, and if the war will be that mean signed to her end because the Arab and Islamic governments will stand with Sudan>> has Forewarned is forearmed