الجمعة، 28 ديسمبر 2012

the best thing about ISLAM

the best thing  about ISLAM

extend congratulations and best wishes for all Christians in the World
WHAT,,, What is the best thing  of the ISLAM,, Please Explain to me?????
Many things, but I'll tell you step by step the best thing in Islam we believe that
Moses  peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him was not crucified, but God raised him to the heaven and that Muhammad peace be upon him is the Messenger of Allah
is the Last messenger sent by God to the earth
Islam is the religion of all people of the land
Islam advocated freedom and respect the minds
Islam calls for cooperation and love'
So, does Sudan, Irage, Afganistan, or even Saudia Arabia In peace and love,,,, please think,,before you call other to convert to your islam!!!!!!! and please respect other when you talk or write something!!!!
do you see any freedom in Sudan, or Sudia Arabia,,, ???????????
There is a big difference between Islam and its principles and values and morals and those who belong to Islam
There is freedom in Sudan because the current government is through the invention boxes
you Know you must learn well that the Most beautiful in our religion is Eminence>>>> The splendor of thought when we apply the laws of the Islamic religion correct application
When we do that we feel the greatness of the Lord chooses to us that we are Muslims with special thought

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